DDGC Germanists for Palestine Research Cooperative
We are a group of German Studies faculty and students who want a free Palestine, an end to the violent suppression of pro-Palestinian voices, as well as an academic environment where these goals are not censored, punished, or criminalized. We believe that the more we come together to publicly voice our support for these goals, the less they can be institutionally suppressed. We recognize that Germany (and German Studies) and Palestine (and Palestinian Studies) have always been intertwined. We also recognize that Palestinian students, as well as Muslim and Arab students generally, are not well supported (politically, administratively, legally) on college and university campuses or in German Studies as a whole.
We envision working with college or university programs internationally and ongoing DDGC initiatives in this area, as well as hosting events such as workshops and panel series where we publicly confront the academic silence and silencing of pro-Palestinian figures and topics. We want to create and share resources for teaching about Palestine, supporting or establishing related boycott initiatives, and collectively publishing on these topics in DDGC outlets and beyond. We will also share information about our ongoing campus initiatives related to Palestine, such as listening circles where students and faculty can talk and grieve collectively.
We currently meet about once a month and envision continuing this meeting schedule. Meeting leaders (who rotate each time) might meet separately in addition to the main group meetings.
If you’d like to be involved in any way or have questions about the DDGC Germanists for Palestine Research Co-Op, contact: germanistsforpalestine[at]ddgccollective.org.